
Launched during lockdown to help relieve isolation, our volunteer befrienders visit people near their homes to go for a walk, a bike ride, a coffee, do some shopping or just have a chat.

Befrienders are carefully matched to those with similar interests, offering support and friendship.

How does befriending help?
  • It encourages communication, helping people improve their social skills and feel more self-confident
  • It motivates people to get more exercise by getting out in the fresh air
  • People feel less lonely, they make friends and have someone trusted to talk to
  • People are supported to explore their local communities

The service is available to anyone who attends Share. Activities are chosen by student members and meetings are typically once a week for 1-2 hours.

All volunteers are DBS and reference checked.

Interested in volunteering as a befriender? Please get in touch.

For more on this exciting new project contact or call 020 7924 2949.

Share is a member of Befriending Networks, a charity providing support, training and guidance to hundreds of befriending projects across the UK. Befriending Networks envisages a society that values befriending, recognises its importance, and provides befriending support to everyone who needs it.