Share welcomes therapy dog

Therapy dog called Pudding helping adults with learning disabilities and autism at Share Community

We’re delighted to be joined on a regular basis by Pudding, a young Jack Russell, together with her owner at our site in Clapham Junction. Pudding is a therapy dog with Pets As Therapy, a national charity that enhances the wellbeing of thousands of people across the UK by giving them access to the companionship of an animal.

Therapy animals provide human friends with multiple benefits. They offer comfort and mental stimulation and can lower anxiety and help people feel less lonely. A dog’s sensitivity to human emotion and their non-judgemental nature make them effective therapy animals. They can lift the mood and provide a calm and soothing presence.

Students who choose to meet with Pudding do so in our dedicated relaxation room, away from our regular training sessions. She’s a young sociable dog, giving great pleasure to those she interacts with. Students have the chance to spend one-to-one time with her, giving her a pat and a stroke.

This is a first for Pudding, her owner, and for Share, so we’re learning together and looking forward to getting to know each other better in the weeks to come.

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