Get involved

You can help us make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities. There are many ways to get involved and support our work.


However large or small, your donation will help disabled people become more independent and live the lives they choose. 

You can choose to give a one-off donation or donate monthly.

Setting up a monthly gift is the most efficient way to support us, reliable income means we can plan for the future and commit to long-term projects, giving consistency to our students.

What could your donation pay for?

  • £15 could pay for a student to enjoy a trip out in the community as part of our Out And About programme
  • £50 could pay for the examination fees for an accredited course for one student
  • £95 could fund a student place for one full day at Share

Please make a donation today



Volunteering at Share is an incredibly rewarding experience. Your skills and time will make such a difference supporting more people within our community.

Explore current volunteer roles 


Leave a legacy

You can help future generations of disabled people learn independent living skills by remembering us in your will.

Find out more



Fundraising is at the heart of what we do at Share. You can help us develop more services to help disabled people move towards independence whilst having fun and connecting with your friends, family and community.

Find out about fundraising at Share