Meet Tomika

A lady stands in a garden holding two harvested pumpkins.
Student story

Meet Tomika

When Tomika joined Share she told us that her goals were to improve her social skills, meet more people and do more activities. As well as Catering, she joined our Horticulture programme at the Share Garden, where her tutor guided her step by step through gardening techniques such as sowing seeds. 

Teamwork is a big focus at the garden, with students working together to learn new skills. Tomika started off quite reserved and quiet, but as she gained experience working alongside her peers, her confidence blossomed. Soon, she was not only mastering her own tasks, but also supporting other students in the group. She’s become a go-to helper, patiently offering advice and encouragement to fellow students. 

By the end of the year, Tomika scored an impressive nine on her Student Star™ for communication and social skills. These abilities are essential in any professional setting and will serve her well in many areas of life, especially if she decides to pursue work or volunteering. 

We asked Tomika to tell us more about what she does at the Share Garden: 

What do you do in the garden? 

I always bring my gloves and prepare for my lesson, I look after the plants, take off the dead leaves and repot them. 

What’s your favourite thing to do in the garden?

Planting the seeds and watering them, and I love to harvest them! I harvest cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries. We take some home and share some too and eat them. 

How does working in the garden make you feel? 

Happy and excited. Also, safe. 

What else do you want to tell us about working in the garden? 

It’s been more than one year now and I enjoy doing what I’m doing. I‘ve learned how to look after the plants. I make sure the others have the right tools and gloves to do things. I like helping them, I feel happy.